Main Street Mission
Main Street Baptist Mission is a ministry of First Baptist Church Pineville that has been meeting the needs of the Central, LA since 1987. Main Street is a place where people from all walks of life can serve together and grow together as a part of the Body of Christ. If you are interested in getting involved, give us a call, send the pastor an e-mail, or join us for worship on Sunday.
The Mission is a place where local churches can come together to serve and share the Gospel. Our goals are as follows:
1. To connect people with Jesus: Our number one priority is to let people know about how they can have a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ
2. To connect people with the local church: We also want to connect people to a local church so they can grow in their relationship with Jesus. We want to connect them with our Main Street Baptist Church, with a serving church, or with another church in the area where they feel comfortable.
3. To fulfill Matthew 25: In Matthew 25, Jesus exhorts us to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, invited in the stranger, look after the sick, and visit the prisoner. He says, “Whatever you have done to the least of these, you have done to me.”
4. To help people get up and walk (Acts 3:1-10): We want to do more than merely feed people and send them on their way. We want to help them walk. We want to invest in people. We want to help them become the people God wants them to be.
Whether individually or as a church, we want to partner with you! Please pray about how you can get more involved with one of the following ministries.
Meal: A meal is served every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10am. A devotion is also given at this time. Come help prepare, serve, give a devotion, or clean up.
Clothes Closet: Our clothes closet is open M-W-F from 10-11:30. Donations are welcome, as well as help sorting the clothes.
Emergency Food and Hygiene: Individuals can receive emergency food and hygiene once a month. All food and hygiene donations are greatly appreciated.
Food Bank: The second Thursday and following Friday of each month we need assistance packing and distributing food boxes from the Food Bank of Central Louisiana.
Giving: Monetary donations can be given to Main Street Baptist Mission, 901 Main St., Pineville, LA 71360
Learn more by visiting our website at
Sam West, Pastor
Ministry Staff