Join us for a unique and intense time of Bible study at this Secret Church event!

Who? 7th-12th grade students

What? Radical’s Secret Church is a unique, one-night event that will be streamed online to more than 50,000 participants around the world. Encouraged by our persecuted brothers’ and sisters’ example, we will meet for close to 6 hours for intense study of God’s Word and passionate prayer for the persecuted. **This year, the theme is Who Am I? and David Platt will be addressing topics such as Gender, Sexuality, Artificial Intelligence, Race, Justice, Genomics, and The Metaverse, all through a Biblical lense.

When? April 29th from 5:30PM to Midnight. 

Where? In the Youth Room

How much? This is completely free to you! But you must register by Wednesday, April 20th!

*Light snacks and coffee will be available for our students.


This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 04/20/2022.